This instructional goes over Leo Vieira's new system of passing. Leo goes over the benefits of this system and actually spends a good amount of time talking about how he came up with it. This style of passing is very unique and I hadn't seen anything like it before. It works gi and no-gi and he says it is made for older grapplers. I personally think this style can work for anyone(not just old guys) and doesn't require any special attributes.
The 1st disk goes over entries from common situations and 2nd disk is about setups from open guard and half guard. The 3rd and 4th show the actual passes available from these positions. This isn't a long DVD, so I never found myself getting lost and I didn't have any problems with the organization.
Leo's instruction is very clear even though he has an accent. He explains the concepts well and shows small details that make the position work. Leo talks a lot on the DVD. He gives examples, explains strategy and tells stories. If you like this you'll get a lot out of this DVD, but if you prefer instructors to get to the point you may not like this instructional. He gives a lot of info on BJJ in general that I found interesting and was able to use it in situations outside of the 50/50 arm pass. There aren't a ton of moves on this DVD, but Leo goes over pretty much every reaction your opponent might have. He also gives good advice on what not to do and the general strategy you should have while using this passing system.
I think how valuable this is to you will differ from person to person. I found this move works really well for me and almost became a secret weapon. That said this DVD doesn't have a ton of moves, so if you're looking for that you might be disappointed. Also if you hate passing on your knees this won't help you much. Leo says he started using this when he got older and wasn't as athletic or strong as he once was(He was actually an innovator of acrobatic passing passing). If you're in the same situation or just looking for a passing style that doesn't gas you out too much, I think this will be great for you. Some people find value in the number of techniques on an instructional, but this is more focused on a few techniques that are very effective.
Personal experience
This passing system has almost completely changed my game. I've found this pass all over the place and it has made passing much easier for me. Sometimes I've found certain moves don't work for me and I don't always get much from an instructional. With this DVD it has been the opposite. Everything has worked exactly how Leo said it would and I've found this passing system to be very high percentage for me. Passing is one of my favorite things to do, so if you're not a good passer and aren't good at applying pressure you might find this system more difficult. Personally I've found it easy to implement into my game and most of the moves worked the first time I tried them. Also once I have the position I can get the moves to work even after I've showed others what I'm doing. Its not a cheap trick that stops working once people figure it out. It quickly has become one of my favorite styles of passing.
This is a great instructional if you spend the time to learn it, but it isn't an encyclopedia of moves. I learned a lot from it and use the techniques all the time. However you need to dive into the system to get use out of this. I would have liked to have seen a few more moves and some sparring footage, but I guess you can't always get everything you want. When I buy an instructional I hope to get new moves that I can use in my game and in that aspect this DVD more than delivered. If you're someone who likes passing and found you're passing is getting a bit stale and predictable I'd highly recommend this.
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