Down Under Leg Attacks - (Craig Jones)



This instructional goes over leg locks and was made right after Craig Jones competed in ADCC 2017. The instructional consists of moves that Craig was using at the time. However don't be fooled and think that the moves shown are old and outdated. I think this DVD is one of the best introductions to the modern heel hook game, so if you aren't familiar with this style of BJJ this is a great place to start. 


Everything is laid out well, with the first part being mainly on the outside heelhook. The second part going over the saddle and the third part goes over 50/50 and defense. The final part is kind of a grab bag of techniques and setups, but they are things Craig has used before in competition and they work well. 


Craig is clear and detailed, but he isn't too long winded. He gets to the point, but he does take the time to explain areas that could cause problems and points out common mistakes. Craig might be the funniest person in Bjj, but he is a bit more reserved here, so don't expect many jokes. What he does give you is solid instruction on his game and practical set ups. The video is mostly out inside and outside heelhooks. He not only shows high percentage set ups, but he also goes over common problems and how to solve them. If you're looking for how to split the legs from 50/50, counter the running man escape or finish an inside heelhook, look no further. He also shows entries from the halfguard that he uses all the time. Although he now has newer instructionals, the advice he gives in this is timeless. 


There is a ton of great information on here and almost all the moves are high percentage and can be integrated into anyone's game. If you are an expert at the heelhook game, you might not get much out of this. On the other hand people who don't have that much experience with the DDS style leg lock game will learn a lot and take their knowledge to a new level. Considering all the information covered the price is more than fair. I do wish they'd get rid of the coughing in the background though. 

Personal experience 

Details from this video helped me learn the reverse X into saddle transition that has now become my favorite sweep from single leg X. Craig's halfguard attacks have also helped my game although I don't play half guard that often. Many of the other techniques have also made it into my game and overall I've learned a lot from it. If someone wanted to start learning the modern leg lock game this is where I'd recommend they start. 


If you're a fan of Craig Jones I'd highly recommend this instructional, because it contains most of the moves he used for years. The moves aren't a bunch of tricks that only certain people can use. These techniques can be used by anyone and can take your no-gi game to the next level. Many of these moves have become so popular that you see everyone doing them now. Of course Craig has a number of newer instructional and I'm sure they're great, but this is IMO the best place to start for a heelhook novice.This was one of the first(maybe the first) instructional that explained the modern leg lock game and in many ways it is still ahead of many other instructionals on the market. If you can master everything on here you'll be ahead of 90% of BJJ practitioners. 
