ADCC by the numbers the Absolute Division and Superfight

The absolute division is always fun and gives you great match ups you'd never see otherwise. I never would have dreamed of Victor Hugo fighting Fabricio Andre, but in the absolute division we got it. This year it was a mix of good matches and bad matches. I think Tye Ruotolo was the star of it this year and earned a 3rd place medal. 

The superfight between Andre Galvao and Gordon Ryan was perhaps the most anticipated match of all time. Although it went how I thought it would, that doesn't mean it wasn't good. It was a great match and definitely worthy of study. 


If you haven't seen the other breakdowns check them out below.






Women's divisions

This division was a bit lopsided. There were great matches with lots of action and submissions and some real snoozers. With a 43.8% submission rate I can't say it was bad, but there are definitely a few matches you can skip. I think the Tye Ruotolo matches are a must watch and of course the superfight between Gordon and Andre is definitely something you should check out. 


Strangely the ezekiel choke from the back was the most finished submission here. There was also a rear triangle(ura sankaku jime) along with the RNC by Gordon Ryan. There were quite few unusual subs attempted in this division, which I was happy to see. The different styles of games were interesting to watch. 



The double leg wrestle up and the single leg X sweeps were the most common sweeps here with 2 each. There were quite a few other types that scored as well as you can see above. Wrestling up seemed to be a bit more effective in this division, however more traditional sweeps were able to score was well. 

Guard Passes

The bodylock pass dominated this division. Nicky Rod seems to increase this stat in every division he is in. The north-south(NS pass) is also extremely high because of the match between Yuri Simoes and Lachlan Giles. Lachlan played inverted guard the whole time and Yuri's preferred way to pass is the NS pass. This caused a huge number of these passes to be recorded. 

Overall it seems pressure passing was the way to get past the legs in this division. 


The were a huge number of shots in this division. Unfortunately many of them were taken without a proper setup and when people were tired. There were 7 single leg takedowns, but 32 failures. The double leg takedown had similar results. 

This division featured quite a bit of stand up and as you can see there were a variety of takedowns. I think in general mixing things up was a key to victory for some people. Spamming the same takedown repeatedly didn't seem like an efficient strategy to win in this division. 



There was a lot of side control in this division, but it didn't yield any finishes. The same can be said of mount. The back however seemed to be a powerful finishing position here though. In the past people tended to avoid the mount and sidecontrol in no-gi and things are changing. However it seems people still aren't able to convert that into submissions at the highest levels. I think this is something that will change in the next few years however. 



The absolute division is always fun because of the size mismatches. People always want to root for the little guy. From guys like Marcelo to Lachlan Giles and this year Tye Ruotolo, this gives people a hero to root for. Everyone always says technique can overcome size, but it is nice to see that demonstrated sometimes. 

The superfight was good as well and lived up the the hype in my opinion. This was 3 years in the making and I think there was a good amount of action as well as a finish. You can't ask for too much more. 

This division wasn't perfect and there were boring matches, but overall it is definitely worth a watch. It is always fun seeing style classes from the different divisions. 
