What We Learned from the AIGA Brazil Trials


AIGA is really starting to heat up and we just finished the Brazil qualifiers to determine who would go to the championship for this region. For those that don't know AIGA is a team event where a member of your team battles a member of the other team at the same weightclass. At the end the team with the most wins moves on. There were 8 teams at this event Team Luta Livre, Vouk Elite, Team Kasai, Team Melqui Galvao, Andinos Team, Piramede Grappling, Team Damien Maia and Team Untouchable. Due to the high number of matches I only covered Team Kasai. However Kasai was stacked as it included Junny Ocasio, Dorian Oliverez, Fabrico Andre, Andrew Tackett, Sebastian Rodriguez, William Tackett, Pedro Marinho, Roberto Jiminez and Kaynan Duarte. It was a super star team, but lets see what actually happened during this event.


Day 1

Andios Team def Luta Livra

Team Kasai def Team Damien Maia

Junny Ocasio (Kasai) def Howard Enrique via outside heelhook 

Dorian Olivarez (Kasai) def Anderson Falcão  via Guillotine 

Sebastian Rodriguez (Kasai) def Lucas Barros via kneebar

Andrew Tackett (Kasai) def Leonardo Domingos  via RNC

Roberto Jimenez (Kasai) def Elias Silvério  via RNC

Fabricio Andrey (Kasai) def Gabriel Souza via triangle 

Pedro Marinho (Kasai) def Lucas Silva via guillotine 

Vouk Elite def Untouchable

Team Piramide def Team Melqui Galvao

Day 2

Vouk Elite def Team Piramide

Team Kasai def Andinos

Roberto Jimenez def Alan Magendzo via points

Dorian Olivarez (Kasai) def Lucas Cantó  via guillotine 

Fabricio Andrey (Kasai) def Lucas Galbuseravia armbar 

Andrew Tackett (Kasai) def Lalo Garcia via triangle

Renato Canuto (Kasai) def Pier Paolo  via RNC 

Junny Ocasio (Kasai) def Tomas Rodriguez  via anklelock 

Pedro Marinho (Kasai) def Nicolas Thorne via guillotine 

Team Kasai def Vouk Elite (Finals)

Dorian Olivares  def Jhonatha Frazão  via RNC 

Roberto Jimenez (Kasai) def Elionai Braz  via RNC

Fabricio Andrey  def David Mateus  via armbar

Junny Ocasio def Guilherme Oliveira  via outside heelhook 

Pedro Marinho def Gabriel Brod  via anklelock 

Renato Canuto def Nikolas Ramos  via Tarikoplata 

Andrew Tackett def Matheus Ferreira via RNC 

How People Won

It should be noted that I only covered the matches for team Kasai. This resulted in an event with only one match being decided by points. Everything else was a submission. Half of the matches ended in a choke and 31.% ended with a leg lock. Armlocks came in 3rd here with 12.5%. Even though most of the matches were mismatches, this is still and amazing amount of subs. This might be one of the highest submission percentages I've ever recorded. 


As I said before I only covered the Kasai team matches and 3 of them were unwatchable. However there is still a lot of data. We got 16 great matches from some of the top competitors in the world.

The RNC came in #1 as always and this was followed by the guillotine(thanks for Pedro). One strange thing is that there is a lack of inside heelhooks. We got 2 outside heelhooks and 2 ankle locks, but no inside heelhooks. It seems that we are getting slightly more diversity in leg locks little by little. 

The single leg takedown came out on top here with 3 completions and the double leg came in 2nd. To be honest there wasn't a ton of time spend on the feet as people either hit quick takedowns or pulled guard. Usually you'll see people feel each other out on the feet for a while, but that didn't really happen here. People were fighting like they were looking to go out an get some acai before the shop closed. This limited the amount of takedowns IMO. What we got was entertaining though. 

The sweeps were really varied, but there weren't many of them. Passing was much more common at this event. We still got some cool sweeps though. 

The smash pass came out number 1 here, which might be the first time I've seen it at number 1. Halfguard, kneeslice and Toreando passes came in 2nd with 2 a piece. There was about a 26% pass rate, which I think is fairly high. Many of the Kasai competitors were looking to work from top position to get quick subs after the takedown. This was a great event to watch if you want to see highlevel guard passing. 

The back came out on top again, but we actually saw some sidecontrol submissions as well. Usually side control isn't a place we see submissions hit from, but we got 2 here. We also saw 2 submission from the saddle, although strangely neither of them were a heelhook. 

There was an 8.22 action score and a 3.11 technique score. These are some of the highest scores I've seen. Just great action all around. 


This was a good event marred by some bad production. There were 3 matches that I missed simply because the stream cut out. There were also some problems where it was hard to see what happened because the camera cut to someone sitting in the crowd when a guard pass was happening. I realize they are doing these in various countries and things can happen, but missing 3 of the best matches is really puts a damper on an otherwise excellent event.

Watch some of the matches here.

Year To Date

Here are the latest stats for submissions this year.
