ADCC 2024 Play-By-Play


I'll be watching ADCC and telling you what is happening here, so let's enjoy some amazing grappling action. I'm also coving CJI, so hopefully there won't be too much overlap between events and I'll be able to catch everything. 

Things are getting started now. They are introducing the fighters now. I will admit that the stage looks cool. 

Brandon Reed vs Felipe Pena

This is our first match of the day. Pena sits to guard and Reed circles around him. Pena is chasing him around, but Reed is being cagey. Reed is trying to jump over the guard, but isn't really commiting. He does it again and Pena scramvles and almost takes his back. Pena gets on top and passes his guard. Pena waits in side control for a few seconds and then moves to mount. Pena is controlling him suprisongly easily, but there are no points yet.

Pena moves to knee on belly and then back to mount to get points. Reed does a kipping escape and then wrestles up into a double leg. Pena jumps on a guillotine, but Reed slams him and escapes. Pena is up by 4 points and playing guard with 3 min left.
Reed tries some torrendo passing, but Pena trips him and comes on top. Pena passes and moves to mount. He uses that to snatch up an armbar. Felipe Pena wins via armbar.

Josh Saunders vs Mike Perez

Josh Saunders vs Mike Perez is here with one the biggest size mismatches possible. Perez pulls guard and Josh started pressuring in. After some time, Mike inverts and then wrestles up on a double leg. He knocks Josh down, but Josh scrambles back to the top position. Josh is putting on pressure, but isn't passing. Josh works into bodylock position and waits for points to start. Josh puts down a ton of pressure, but can't pass. Mike eventually stands up and they start wrestling. Nothing much happening with 3 min left. Josh is stalking him, but can get anything going. Josh goes for a single leg and gets it. Mike turtles and Josh takes his back. Josh switches to an armbar, but Mike escapes. Mikey shoots a double leg, but gets sprawled on. Josh Saunders wins via decision.

Victor Honorio vs Haisam Rida

Victor Honorio is against Haisam Rida now hand fighting amd feeling things out. The ref warns them for not doing anything. Rida pulling down hard on the head. Not much happening. They zoomed in to Victor's feet for some reason, but we're back to the action. Victor picks up a single leg, but after a few sec Rida defends and escapes. Rida gets a warning about stalling from the ref. Victor shoots and it isn't close. 1 min left and they statt picking ip the pace. Rida gets more aggressive with foot sweeps, but can't get anything and they go to OT. Rida trying to get something going, but can't take him down. The one rime he does it is off the mat. Less than a min left and it looks like they are going to a decision. Haisam Rida wins via decision.

Kaynan Duarte vs Daniel Schurt

Kaynan and Dan Scuardt. Kaynan hits him with a quick sasae tsuikomi ashi and gets on top. Kaynan pressures in the top and tries to switch sides with kneeslices. Kaynan moves into half guard and applies pressure. He almost passe and Dan turtles. Kaynan takes the back and looks for the RNC. Dan rols to escape and put Kaynan into guard, but Kaynan jumps a triangle and taps him with an armbar. Kaynan Duarte wins via inverted armbar.

Nicholas Meregali vs Marcin Maciulewcz

Meregali vs Macin Maciulewicz. Meregali is on top putting pressure on while Marcin hunts for the legs. Marcin goes for a kanibasami and almost catches a heelhook, but Meregali escaoes. Meregali dives for something and Marcin almost scambles on top, but can't get it. They stamd for a while, before Marcin pulls and Meregali passes his guard. Meregali locks up the kimura and wins. Nicholas Meregali wins vis kimura.

Raphael Lovato Jr. vs Eli Braz

Lovato jr vs Eli Braz. They are getting chippy on the feet. They're mostly handfighting and perhaps waiting for the points period. Lovato pulls guard and Braz works a bodylock pass. Lovato quickly broke it up and they both seems to be waiting for points. Braz goes nack to the bodylock pass, but it isn't working. Lovato plays some rubber guard and tries a gogoplata. With 30 sec left Lovato hits a lumberjack sweep, Braz triea a heelhook and Lovato counters with a crabride to the back. Raphel Lovato jr wins via points.

Giancarlo Bodoni vs Andre Porfirio

Bodoni vs Porfirio up now and Bodoni hits a quick bodylock takedown. Porfirio goes for an ankle lock, but Bodoni counters and tries to pass, but his foot is struck. After several min Bodoni frees his leg and moves to the back. Bodgoes for the RNC, but somehow Andre escaoes. Bodoni goes for it again and re-adjusts. Bodoni wins via RNC.

Taylor Pearman vs Elder Cruz

Taylor Pearman vs Elder Cruz. Elder comes pit blazing woth Torreando passing. He slows after a min ans the settle into a slower pace. Taylor is trying to get a good connection and enter Elder's legs, but elder isn't allowing it. Points have now started, but nothing mich has changed. Elder is darting in and out, but now trying to keep more pressure on Taylor. They move to OT. Elder shoots, gets stuffed ans shoots again to score 2 points. Or maybe not, the refs don't score it. The same pattern as before happens. Elder Criz wins via decision.

Chris Wojiack vs Josh Hinger

Josh Hinger vs Chris Wojaik up now. They start out wrestling and Chris hits a beautiful footsweep to get on top of Hinger. Hinger tries to sweepnand Chris tries a heelhook, which allows hinger to get on top. Hinger almost gets the back, but Chris escapes amd is on bottom. Hinger is pressuring from top Chris gets into 50/50 and gets a tight ankle lock. Hinger toughs it out. Chris goes for it again, rotates under and then switches to an inside heelhook. Chris Wojaik wins via inside heelhook.

Mica Galvao vs Luiz Paulo

Mica Galvao vs Luiz Paulo. Mica is wearing a belt over his rashgaurd. Luiz is doing a good job matching his stand up. Moca goes for a single leg and slips. Mica playing guard and he goes for an aokilock. Luiz escapes and Mica tries to wrestle up. Luiz escapes and they go back to wrestling. Mica goes for another single leg, but he can't finish. Mica hits a beautiful sasae tsuikomi ashi, but Luiz scambles up before Mica can hold him down. Mica tries a flying armbar onto a wrestle uo, but it doesn't work. Mica goes for another flying armbar into a wrestle up, but this time he gets it. They are way off the mat, but Mica gets the back. Mica gets his points for the back, traps the arm and finishes the RNC. Mica Galvao wins via RNC.

Izaak Mitchell vs Charles Negromonte

Izaak Michell is looking like a D1 wrestler against Charles Negromonte. He is going for blast doubles that are going way off the mats. There is 1 min left in the match and it is still 0-0. Izaak shoots a single, charles tries an uchimata and Izaak almkst takes the back, but Charles wiggles out, but he loses 2 pts. There is some controversy, so it looks like they will have to go OT. Izaak is pushing a lot, but not doing much. Charles gets penalized, so Izaak is now ahead. Izaak hits a throw by and now has a rear bodylock. Charles turns rl halfguard, but the judges said he did it too quickly and give him - 1. Izaak is on his way to victory until Charles pulls a kneebar out of nowhere. Charles Negromonte wins via kneebar.

Vagner Rocha vs Jeremy Skinner

Vagner Rocha vs Jeremy Skinner. Vagner hits him with a blast double and is immediately into sidecontrol. Jeremy gets back to guard and luckily for him there are no points yet. Jerey hits a nice hook sweep and he is on top. Vagner tries to stand and Jeremy pulls guard. Jeremy goes for an outside heelhook and ot looks tight. Vagner tries a counter toehold, but it doesn't work. Eventually Vagner slips out and starts pressuring Jeremy from top half guard. Jeremy hits a SLX sweep ans looks to entee the legs, but can't. Vagner is on top pressuring into halfguard. Jeremy elevates Vagner and goes for a kneebar. Vagner had a deep anklelock that looked like it broke Jeremy's leg, but he's moving like it was no problem. Vagner passes guard and earns enough points to move on. Vagner moves to the back and tries an armbar, but Jerey escapes. Vagner Rocha wins via points.

Diogo Ries vs Huaiqing Xu

Diogo Ries vs Huaiqing Xu. They start out handfighting and Diogo is wearing a belt as well. Diogo shoots a double and Xu sprawls rhen hit a sasae. Diogo recovers and reshoots. They break and then Diogo shoots again and gets the takedown. Diogo tries to pass and hit an armbar, but fails ans he is on bottom. He sweeps back to the top and rhen hits a darce choke on Xu. Diogo Ries wins via darce choke.

I fell asleep at one point, so I thought I'd go back and do a few good matches I missed before the final day.

Kaynan Duarte vs Declan Moody

Kaynan sits to guard and Delan tries to pass from half guard. Kaynan just shoves him off and gets on top, but there are no points yet.Kaynan is putting pressure on Declan's DLR guard. He uses a smash pass and mounts Declan. Declan powers out and stands up and Kaynan trips this legs and brings him back down to turtle. Delclan grabs his leg to wrestle up and Kayan tries to lock up a guilotine. Kaynan takes his time adjusting it and gets the tap. Kaynan Duarte wins via guillotine. 

Nicholas Meregali vs Michael Pixley

Meregali stands with Pixley and starts getting pushed around. Meregali gets an underhook and gets launched with a harai goshi. Pixley doesn't follow him down and they stay standing. Pixley gets a front headlock and throws Meregali to the ground and goes for a darce. Meregali escapes and starts working his guard. Pixley is being cagey and darting in and out. He settles in Meregali's half guard and stays cautious before points start. Meregali tries to get aggressive and wrestle up, but Pixley easily sprawls on him. Pixley gets warned for not engaging. Meregali starts chasing more aggressively and Pixley slices through his guard, but can't maintain sidecontrol. Points start and Pixley is looking to pass halfguard, but Meregali defends. Meregali is trying to attack from half guard, but Pixley is doing a good job of countering. Meregali tries to get something working and wrestles up on a single and Pixley throws him with an uchimata. Meregali doesn't breakfall properly and might have broken his arm. Pixley immediately locks up a darce and gets the tap. Michael Pixley wins via darce choke.

Owen Jones vs Gabriel Sousa

Sousa starts out by trying a flying armbar over Owen's guard. Sousa is working the outside and trying to pass. Owen is looking for a leg, but can't get to it as Sousa is keeping his legs away. Owen gets ahold of one, but Sousa sees it and escapes. Owen gets in on the legs again and use that to come up, but Sousa doesn't let him and tries to pass. Sousa tries to pass to north-south and Owen almost traps him in reverse half guard. Jones gets into 50/50 off of guard retention, but can't keep it. Owen works from closed guard now. Sousa can't get anything going and Owen can't get close enough on his submissions. They go to OT. Sousa gets the takedown, but due to the rules he gives it up. He tries again and Owen catches in an armbar. Owen Jones wins via armbar. 

Gordon Ryan vs Felipe Pena

They come out faster than expected and Pena goes for a single. Ryan tries to counter with an unchimata and a kani basami, but can't get them. They do more handfighting, but not much is happening. Ryan eventually gets to a single leg and Pena just sits down. There are less than 15 min left with Ryan on top, leaning on Pena's knee sheild. Gordon keeps grinding as a USA chant starts. Gordon gets more active, but Pena starts using DLR and reaping to keep Ryan off balance. Pena uses the reap to trap Ryan in a bear trap and then attempts a calf slicer. Ryan escapes and points start. Ryan goes back to his half guard camping again. Pena goes for another bear trap and uses it to try to wrestle up on a double leg, but can't get it and stands up. Ryan goes for a kneetap, but can't finish. Pena gets a warning for stalling and then gets poked in the eye. Both men are breathing hard. The action resumes and Gordon tries a single, but it is stuffed easily. Ryan tries another shot, but it is considerablely slower. Ryan hits a throwby and hits a mat return on Pena. Pena waits in turtle for a few seconds and then turns to guard to avoid points being scored. Ryan has been more active, but both men look tired now. Pena traps Ryan in another bear thrap and Ryan looks too tired to escape right now. Pena switches to 50/50 after a while and Ryan stands and tires to extract his leg, but Pena puts him back into the bear trap. Pena gets into a good sweeping position and tries to move to the back. Pena tris to come up and sweep or take the back with less than 1 min left. Pena tries to limp arm out and Ryan escapes. 

They go to OT and start handfighting on the feet again. Pena hits an armdrag to a bodylock and drags Ryan down. Before he can score points  Ryan stands and Pena looks to take take his back. Ryan falls to the ground and reverses Pena to land in top position to score 2 points. Ryan is ahead on points and Pena is working half guard. Ryan was in a bad situation, but figures it out and passes. He can't secure the pass thought and Pena recovers. Ryan goes back to camping inside Pena's half guard, but can't get much going. Pena reaps the leg and goes for an outside heelhook, but Ryan defends, so Pena goes back to the bear trap. 1 min left and Ryan is stuck in the bear trap, but Pena can't move either due to Gordon's upperbody pressure.  Gordon Ryan wins via points. 


Josh Saunders vs Felipe Pena

Josh pushes into the guard of Pena, but Pena gets to 50/50 and sweeps. Josh doesn't want to be on bottom and wrestles uo back to top. Josh is trying to work a bodylock on Pena now. Pena tries some rubber guard, but he can't get anything going.. Josh goes back to the bodylock, but Pena pushes his face and makes him break the lock. Points start amd Josh tries to pass from half guard, but can't get it. Fairly slow match with neither man getting too anything and the ref calls for action. Josh goes for a double underpass and Pena inverts and gets to 50/50. Josh gets his kneeline free and comes back on top. Pena inverts again and tries to enter the bear trap. They go to OT.

Pena and Josh and handfighting now, but not doing much. Josh gets poked in yhe eye, but Pena doesn't believe him. Pena goes for a single leg, bit can't get it. Josh hits a big uchimata and puts pena down, but Pena turtles and avoids points. Josh got a penalty point at sometime and now is down by 1. There are less than 2 min left and Pena is lookong to work from the guard. Josh almost makes Pena turtle and tries to take the back, but Pena gets back to guard. Josh tries to sit back on a leg lock and Pena tries to take top. They come back to the feet and tome runs out. Felipe Pena wins via points.

He will fight Luke Griffiths in the finals.

Kendall Reusing vs Rafaela Guedes

Kendall Reusing vs Rphaela Guedes up now. This is a rematch that ended in injury last ADCC. They are handfighting and feeling each other out. Guedes goes for a weak single and it doesn't work. Reusing goes for a single and Guedes counters with a front headlock, but they go out of bounds. They start again and Guedes pulls down the head and wraps it up. She drops back and pulls on the guillotine to make Reusing tap. Rafaela Guedes wins via guillotine.

Chris Wojcik vs J-rod

Chris Wojcik vs J-rod. J hits a quick ankle pick and starts working from top position. J tryong to pass from the outside and Chris tries to catch him in the false reap. Chris tries to get a sneaky armbar, but can't quite get it. Chris tries to wrestle up and J denies it and starts getting more agressive. K dives around the guard, but can finish the pass. J turns it up and makes Chris turtle. Points start and Chris rolls to get J off of him. J is looking to paas again, but Chris's guard looks good. J forces him to turtle again and goes for a front headlock and a choke, but Chris gets out. Chris tries to wrestle up on a single and a scramble starts. They get stuck in a weird position and Chris tries to resume his single, but J slips away. Chris is inverting and Wrestling up, bit can't gey anything going against J, however the score is still 0-0. 1 min left and J is in Chris's closed guard. Chris goes K-guard, buggy choke and then wrestle up, bit J almost takes hos back. Chris is back to open guard and time runs out.

OT starts amd Chris shoots a takedown. J stuffs it and Chris pulls guard. Chris wrestles up on a single and J does some funk wrestling to escape. J goes double under pass and Chris comes up on a single which J defends. The same sequence happens again, but Chris is closer to the single this time and J tries some funk wrestling to get out. Chris os working open guard again. It appears these 2 know each other's games too well. They are throwing the kitchen sink at each other, but nothing ia sticking. J tries to jump over Chris and Chris turtles. J tries to insert the hooks, but Chris escapes. Less than a min left and the score is still 0-0. They both get aggressive, but neither is giving an inch. It is going to a decision. Jacob Rodriguez wins via decision.

PJ Barch vs Mica Galvao

Mica vs PJ I'm picking up in OT. Mica tries a snapdown, but it doesn't work. They are standing and Mica tries a sasae and PJ tries to counter with a double, but it is stuffed. They both go for singles, but they don't get far. Both look tire, but they are still pushing forward and attacking. Mica goes for an armdrag, but PJ defends easily. PJ gets double underhooks and tries a few throw-bys but can't get anything to work. Mica tries a foot sweep, but he can get it. Mica shoots, PJ re-shoots and Mica spins to the back. Mica tries to insert hooks and time runs out. They go to a decision. Mica Galvao wins via decision.

Brianna Ste-Marie vs Helena Crevar

Brianna Ste-Marie vs Helena Crevar . Helena pulls guard and Bri starts to try to work from the top. Bri tries a kneeslice and Helena goes for a false reap. Bri avoids it and keeps working from top position. Helena is trying to invert and get to something, but she can't make anything happen. Bri wades into the guard again and tries to apply pressure, but Helena pushes her off. Bri snatches up a guillotine from the top, but Helena escapes. Helena goes for kiss of the dragon and knocks Bri to her butt, but can't capitalize on it. Bri goes back to trying to pass. Helena goes to kiss of the dragon again and moves to a crabride, but Bri escapes. Bri comes back in with a kneeslice. Helena gets to deephalf, but Bri goes for the black hole armbar. She almost gets it and almost moves to the back, but it causes a scramble. Bri tries to jump on the back, but she falls off and Helena capitalizes and takes her back. Helena goes up by 4 and time runs out. Helena Crevar wins via points.

Owen Jones vs Deigo "Pato" Oliveria

Owen Jones vs Pato. They both sit and Pato comes on top and Owen tries to attack the leg and Pato tries a counter. Pato comes back on top and puts the pressure on. Owen tries to sweep, Pato grabs a leg and it's all over. Deigo Pato Oliveira wins via ankle lock.

Jasmine Rocha vs Adele Fornarino

Adele Fornarino vs Jamine Rocha. Rocha plays guard and Adele gets into and armbar quickly ans taps Rocha in a min. Adele Fornarino wins via armbar.

Amy Campo vs Kendall Reusing 

Kendall hits Campo witj a blast double right after that fist bump. Campo working closed guard and tries a hip bump sweep. Campo tries to work rubber guard a bit, but isn't getting very far. Reusing stacks her, but the rubber guard is just getting deeper. Campo gives up on it and goes for a hip bump and a kimura, but Reusing isn't moving. Campo throws up an armbar, but Reusing uses to to try to pass. Campo gets back to halfguard and Reusing gets agressive with her passing. Campo goes for an outside heelhook and Resuing smashes her. Campo inverts and tries to suck her into 50/50, but Kendall keeps her knee out. Points have started and both women have been close to scoring. Campo gets into xguard and sweeps Reusing. Reising turtles to avoid the score and Campo tries to take her back, but falls off. They go back to standing with 2 min left. Reusing shoots, bit Campo stuffs it. Kendall hits a blast double and gets 2 points with 30 sec left. Campo comes up and gets a front headlock. Campo moves to the back, but Kendall stands up and stops her. Kendall Reusing wins via points and earns a Bronze medal.

PJ Barch vs Elijah Dorsey

PJ vs Elijah was PJ on top and Eli working closed guard. Eli goes for an inverted armbar and it was really close, but PJ escapes. They reset amd PJ quickly slices through his halfguard. PJ moves to mount,but there are no points yet. Eli gets halfguard back and points start. Eli tries to wrestle up and PJ slips his leg out. They are standing now and PJ snaps Eli into his legs, bit recovers and they go out of bounds. PJ tries foot sweep, but can't get anything. PJ shoots, but gets stuck in a guillotine. PJ gets out and earns his 2 points. Eli working his closed guard with 2 min left. Eli tries to set up the inverted armbar again, but PJ is wise to it. Eli pulls PJ into 50/50 and then swotch to the saddle. He tries an outside heelhook now and PJ looks like he doesn't care at all. He suddenly grabs a Junny lock and taps Elijah with about 5 seconds left. PJ Barch wins via Junny lock and earns a bronze medal.

Felipe Pena vs Luke Griffith

Luke Griffith vs Felipe Pena up now. Pena goes for a quick takedown, but it isn't close. Pena goes for a kouchi gari and follows it with a double leg, but can't get either. Luke gets a bodylock and takes Pena down, but there are no points yet. Pena plays kneesheild and Like stands and hits a torreando pass, bit can't secure the pass. Pena almost hits a bear trap sweep, but Luke escape and comes back hard with a pass. Theu scramble and Luke gets on Pena's back. Pena is trying to scrape him off, bur he can't. He keeps trying and makes it to quarter mount. Pena gets his guard back and Luke starts working to pass again. They stand up and Pena hits a big double leg takedown to side control. Pena gets on the back and chokes Luke. Felipe Pena wins via RNC and is the 2024 champion.

Rafael Lovato Jr. vs Kaynan Duarte

Kaynan vs Lovato is up now. They start out handfighting amd pushing hard, but nothing is really happening. Kaynan finally shoot, but he gets stuffed. Kaynan circles around a bit and tries again and this time the double looks good. Kaynan is working from the top and Lovato is playing RDLR. Kaynan trying to work some headquarters passing on Lovato and pressure him from the top. Kaynan triea covering Lovato's mouth and Lovato pushes him away. Kaynan comes back to work HQ position on the other side now he switch again and goes for a kneeslice. Kaynan is trying to pass from halfguard now, bit Lovato's defense is solid. Kaynan gets chest to chest and really starts grinding through half guard. He passed to side control, bit it was about 20 sec before pointa. Lovato gets his guard back and Kaynan passes with a legdrag again right before points. Kaynan is in side control now, but Lovato recovers. They did give Kaynan 2 pts and now he is working om a smash pass. He gets it and then mobes from aide control to mount. He mobes to the back and tries a RNC, but Lovato defends. He goes for it again and gets it. Kaynan Duarte wins via RNC and earns a gold medal.

Rafaela Guedes vs Nathiely de Jesus

Guedes vs De Jesus starts and Guedes takes down de Jesus. Guedes tries to pull de Jesus's leg and quickly run past. However it looks like she slams her face into a knee. They restart and De Jesus lokks to off balance with her guard. Guedes dives into her closed guard. De Jesus opens her guard and Guedes stands to try to pass. She tries a torreando, but it isn't close. Guedes tries a flying kneecut and get caught in 50/50. She gets out and de Jesus tries to wrestle up, but gets stuffed. Guedes sees and oppertunity amd goes for a smash pass and then tries to jump to the back, but falls off. They are back to standing and Guedes hit a big de ashi barai. Unfortunately for her there are no points yet. Guedes tries another kneeslice and almost gets rolled. Guedes goes back to standing passing, bit can't get anything going. Points start and de Jesus looks to play DLR. De Jesus goes for a matrix back take, but Guedes falls and defends. Her leg is still entangled, but De Jesus isn't trying to come up. Guedes gets her leg out and stands. She goes for another flying kneeslice, but it isn't close. Guedes is looking to pass standing and de Jesus wants to play RDLR, but nwither can get anything effwctibe going. Guedes gets agressive and almost gets a pass. Guedes goes to pass and forces de Jesus to turtle, but she recovers her guard. Guedes getting agressive again and it looks like she earned 2 points after the scramble from turtle since de Jesus stood up. Guedes goes for another dou le unde pass and forces de Jesus to turtle again. The are less than 30 sec left in the match and Guedes is holding her down. Rafaela Guedes wins via points amd earns a gold medal.

Jacob Roriguez vs Giancarlo Bodoni

J-rod vs Bodoni now. J is moving a lot and giving Bodoni a lot to think about. Bodoni looks mich bigger, bit J is looking faster here at the start. J gets a single and Bodoni counters with an uchimata and J defends. Bodoni doubles up on it and gets J down. As soon as he does K goes for an armbar, but Bodoni slips out and passes. J turtles and Bodoni tries to take his back. J shakes him off and then passes Bodoni's guard. Bodoni recovers his guard and then stands up. J gets a double leg and Bodoni counters with a guillotine, but J escapes. Bodoni starts to use his half butterfly guard now and J passes to mount, but Bodoni recovers quickly. J tries a few passes and then goes into a bodylock. Bodoni defends, stands and gets put back down with a big takedown. J immediately passes, but Bodoni recovers. J looka like he is controlling this match, bit there are no points left. Bodoni goes from an omoplata, but J slips out. J tries another bodylock, but Bodoni defends. Poonts start and J goes hard on a north-south pass. Bodoni defends and comes up on a single. Bodoni with an Iranian lift, but J scrambles out. Bodoni shoots and is into another Iranian. J tries to scramble, but Bodoni gets to his back and J turtles. Bodoni inserts a hook and is working to insert the other one. He gets it and is up 3-0.. J removes a hook and Bodoni put it back in for another score. J escapes and works to pass with 5 min left. Bodoni uses a rubber guard to get to an omoplata, but J escapes. J almost passes again, but cant get it. J passes and Bodoni goes belly down, comes up and goes back into that Iranian lift. J scrambles out and starts passing again. J gets aggressive with his passing again, but Bodoni is able to defend and he is up by 6. J goes for another bodylock, but can't get it. He drops back on an anklelock, but Bodoni comes up and is working to take the back. There is 1 min left and Bodoni frees his leg and mounts J. J gets back to half guarf and Bodoni mounts him again as time runs out. Giancarlo Bodoni wins via points and gets his second ADCC gold.

Mica Galvao vs Vagner Rocha

Vagner and Mica hug to start the match. After some handfighting Vagner hits a double leg takedown amd Mica goes for an armbar, but he can't get it. Mica goes from SLX to Xguard, bit can't sweep Vagner. Moca looks for a choibar, but Vagner is wise to it. Vagner is neutralizing Mica's guard so far, but isn't close to passing. Vagner tries to hip switch over the guard, but Mica doesn't let him. Mica stands back up and tries wrestling. Vagner rushes in and gets hit with a perfect sasae tsuikomi ashi. Mica is in side control and tries to move to the back, bit Vagner catches his leg in halfguard. They stand up and get ready for the points period to start. Mica goes dor a foot sweep, but it doesn't work. Vagner goes for a footsweep and takes Mica down, but slips and Micas to his back. Vagner stands and Mica hits him with a RNC. It is really deep, but Vagner rolls and shakes hik off at the last minute. They syand again and Vagner goes for a kosoto gari thay misses. Mica has 3 points and Vagner has 1. Mica hits a takedown and Vagner turtles ro avoid points. Mica jumps on his back and gets shaken off again. Vagner looking to pass again. He's putting on alot of pressure from top and trying to grind through Mica's kneesheild. 5 min left and Mica is winning by 1 pt. Mica stands again and they start to wrestle. Mica goes for an osotogari, but it fails and he falls down. Mica goes for another sasae, but he falls again. Mica tries a single and Vagner slips out. Mica hits and anklepick and then takes the back. Mica is way up on points now and looking to finish. Mica sinks in the RNC and gets it. Mica Galvao wins via RNC and earns the super-grandslam.

Diogo Reis vs Deigo "pato" Oliveria

Reis vs Pato starts with some wrestling. After a few min Pato puls guard. Reis hits a quick guard pass and Pato has a hard time recovering. When he does Pato hits a matrix and almlst takes Reis's back. Instead he sweeps amd works a halfguard pass. Pato is working the bodylock from halfguard. Reis is doong a good job of holding him off, but he's on a terrible position. Pato passes and holds Reis in sidecontrol. Pato steps over to mount and Reis is going crazy to try to get out. Eventually he does. Pato os still on top and works halfguard passing. Reis stands and Pato sits. Pato has pulled guard twice and been penalized, sl he is down 2 points. Reisis trying to pass and almost gets something going as Pato tries to attack. Pato hits a scissor sweep and then deops back on an ankle lock. Reis escapes and points start. They are in double guardpull and Pato does for another ankle lock and almost turns it into a back take. They are back in double pull and Pato goes from baside 50/50 to outside ashi and then an outside heelhook. It looked tight, but Reis escapes. Reis stands now and goes to pass. He gets a bodylock, but can get it to work, so je goea for a flying kneeslice. Pato goes for the matrix again, but Reis slips out. Pato is getting close with the leg entanglements, but can't pull Reis in. Reis tries a torreando and then a bodylock. Reis starts to smash and passes with an arm triangle. He gets it. Diogo Reis wins via arm triangle choke and earns his 2nd gold medal.

Ana Carolina Viera vs Helena Crevar

Helena vs Ana starts and Helena is handfighting hard. Neither woman is really doing anything here. Helena eventually goes for an uchimata/kanibasami and falls down. Ana is on top now and Helena is playong DLR. Ppiponts start and Ana gets more agressive with her passing. Ana goes for a kneeslice, but Helena stopped her. Ana slices through the guard, but could secure it. Helena goes back to DLR. Ana starts applying pressure from halfguard now and Helena reaps her leg and then tries to wrestle up, but Ana defends everything. Helena enters the false reap, but Ana shuts it down. Ana goes for a double Under pass and almost gets the pass. Helena for dor false reap amd gets it. She has the saddle, but Ana is standing. Now it moves to 50/50 and she knocks Ana down. She troes to come up on a single leg, but can't do it. The go to OT and start wrestling. Ana shoots for a single and Helena goes for a guillotine. They roll around and Ana escapes. Helena goes for an uchimata and then a kanibasami. Ana now starts smashing, but Helena is looking in invert. Ana starts working an arm triangle now and is putting a lot of pressure on to pass. She switcjes to double underhooks and smashes Helena's legs. Ana passes, but Helena turtles tl avoid points. Ana goes for another arm triangle and passes again as she tightens up the arm triangle. Ana moves to mount and scores more points, but loses the arm triangle. Helena gets back to guard and works the false reap again,but can't get it going. She tries an armbar, but nothing is working. She tries her DLR with 30 sec left. Ana Carolina Viera wins via points and takes home gold.

Adele Fornarino vs Bianca Basilio

Adele ties up with Bianca and they move around for a while. Adele tries an ouchi gari and Bianca counters with an uki goshi. Adele sucks her into closed guard and Bianca picks her up. As she does Adele hit her with a Mir lock. Adele Fornarino wins via Mir lock and takes the gold back to Australia.

That's it. I hope you enjoyed it like I did. I won't be covering the absolute, but I'll get you those results with stats in few days. Thank you for reading. 
