PGF Draft(Which players are on which team)

 There are a lot of talented people in for PGF season 6 and we can watch almost all of it for free on youtube. I'll be covering it, but I'm going to limit things to about 1 block per night. Before we can get into the action let's look to see who is going to be in it. 

You can watch the whole draft here.

For those that aren't familiar each team gets $10,000 to draft their teams and bid on the various athletes. After the initial draft the teams will have $2000 to bid on alternates(if their athletes get injured)


1st Phorm(Roger Gracie)

Paul Ardilla($2500)

Adam Bradly($900)

Kyle Boehm($1500)

Dory Aoun($1000)

Davidson Souza

Sam Schwartz

New Hope Regeneration(Pedro Sauer)

Travis Thomas($2500)

Kyle Chambers($900)

Brad Schneider($100)

Ernesto Rivera($1100)

Cam Herd($1100)

Ryan Atkin($200)

Christos Papadelos

Jacob Howorth

Intrana(Carlos Machado)

Elijah Carlton($3200)

Davis Asare($3200)

Nathan Hadad($500)

Andre Porfirio($2200)

Abe LaMontangue

Chris Olivo

Constellation(Dean Lister)

Kemoy Anderson($1000)

Sebastian Attard($1200) 

Marcin Maciulewicz($2000)

Fedor Nikolov($1400)

Chris Wojcik($3000)

Drew Dyer

Jack Bidwell


Keep checking back here to this blog over the week for updates and coverage.
